EverywhereUGO® is constantly looking for high-traffic venues to place their boards in and your location is just what our advertisers are looking for.
When you become a EverywhereUGO® location it's a win-win situation.
For every 4 boards we place in your restrooms, or high traffic areas, your business will receive 1 FREE AD in the location of your choice.*
What are the benefits of having EverywhereUGO® in your location?
- Increased traffic to your business due to FREE EverywhereUGO® Ads.
- Complimentary maintenance and monthly cleaning of EverywhereUGO® Ads.
- Reduced bathroom vandalism.
- Great customer service provided by the EverywhereUGO® Ad team!
EverywhereUGO® is a clever, yet effective way of advertising in northern Michigan. By posting tamperproof billboards in bathrooms and other high traffic "waiting" areas, advertisers can capture the attention of an un-distracted audience for up to 2 whole minutes. Our advertisers know that's a key ingredient in an effective advertising campaign. By becoming an EverywhereUGO® location you can reap the same benefits. Call today to see if your location qualifies for our EverywhereUGO® Location Program.
*EverywhereUGO® makes its best effort to place advertisements on your premises, which are non-competing to, and harmonious with the business to which your premises is devoted. You may refuse any advertising you feel is not appropriate for the location or its patrons.